Last updated: 1 November 2023
Next review: 1 November 2024
In addition to the Universal free childcare hours, some working parents can apply for additional 15 hours of free childcare per week (term time). This is known as 30 hours Free Childcare Entitlement for 3 and 4-year-olds or the Extended Entitlement. Eligibility criteria applies for the 30 hours Free Childcare scheme.
Eligibility Criteria for 30 hours Free Childcare
The extended entitlement is available to families where:
- both parents are working (or the sole parent is working in a lone parent family)
- each parent earns on average a weekly minimum equivalent to 16 hours at the National Minimum wage or 16 hours at National Living Wage.
- neither parent has an income of more than £100,000 per year
- both parents are employed but one or both parents is temporarily away from the workplace on parental, maternity or paternity leave, adoption leave or get statutory sick pay
- one parent is employed, and one parent has substantial caring roles based on specific benefits received for caring, or is disabled/ incapacitated based on receipt of specific benefits