Local councillors have to abide by a code of conduct, part of which requires them to declare any interests which they have which could be seen to influence any decisions they may make as councillors. The local authority is required to publish these declarations.
Public confidence in the council
Members are required to register certain interests in order to:
- Ensure public confidence in the probity of the council
- Maintain the accountability of its members
- Maintain transparency of local government decision-making
Code of conduct
The code of conduct requires all members to:
- Complete a register of interests form at the beginning of their term of office, whenever the council adopts a new code, or whenever requested to do so by the Monitoring Officer
- The register records pecuniary (financial) interests for councillors and their spouse or civil partner; and they must keep the form updated
- Any changes must be reported within 28 days
- This register is open for public inspection at the Town Hall and on the council's website
Types of interests that must be declared
Pecuniary (financial) interests
- Jobs and businesses
- Details of employer(s) and partnerships/companies in which the member is involved
- Names of people who have helped them with election expenses or expenses associated with their office
- Name of any corporate body in the area in which they have a shareholding of more than £25,000 (face value) or have a stake of more than 1/100th in the company
- Contracts for goods, services or works between them or their firm, and the council
- Landholdings in the area
- Land leased or licensed from the authority by them, their firm, or a company in which they have shares