1. Except where specifically provided for in the Constitution, or a decision has been taken by myself or by Cabinet to delegate a decision in a particular matter to a specified individual or body, the following general arrangements shall apply in respect of matters which, under the Constitution are defined as key decisions:
- Except where paragraph (b) applies, all key decisions shall be taken collectively by Cabinet;
- Where a key decision relates only to a matter within a single Portfolio holder’s area of responsibility and/or has only a minimal impact on another executive portfolio in the view of the Director of Governance and Law (or his/her representative), the decision may be taken by the relevant Portfolio holder, subject to the Director of Governance and Law being satisfied as to the following:
I. that appropriate consultation has been undertaken on the matter concerned;
ii. that all relevant matters are set out in a report that is considered by the Portfolio-Holder; and
iii. a proper record is published of the Portfolio Holder’s decision.
2. I confirm the delegation of executive powers to officers as set out in:
- The General Scheme of Delegation;
- The Council’s Constitution; and
- As set out in item 9 of this agenda.
and that all officers with delegated powers may in turn delegate those powers to other officers in accordance with the Council’s Constitution and legislation.
3. As executive leader, I reserve my statutory powers to make different arrangements for the discharge of executive functions to those set out above where this is desirable or necessary in the circumstances and following the receipt of legal advice, where appropriate.
Councillor Grace Williams
Leader of the council