We want to make sure that as many staff as possible are protected from the seasonal flu this year. This will not only keep you safe but will also help protect service users, colleagues, family, and friends. The Public Health Team works with HR, Health and Safety, Social Care teams, and our new partner Fairview Health Ltd.
For the 2021 flu season, the main change will be how your data will be captured and processed. In previous years bookings were recorded internally and the details were passed to the pharmacist on the day of the on-site clinic. This was to ensure the right person turned up, and to remind staff of their appointments. Our new partner Fairview Health will be controlling the booking form and will be providing the Council with some information. We will then be able to analyse bookings and uptake of vaccines by age, directorate, and team.
If you have questions regarding this service or our privacy practices, you can contact us by e-mail at the address below:
Public Health in the Families Directorate by emailing Public.Health@walthamforest.gov.uk
Health and Safety, Corporate Development Directorate by emailing healthandsafety@walthamforest.gov.uk