Last updated: 3 December 2024

Next review: 27 February 2025

Transparency documents temporarily unpublished

After identifying some problems with historic datasets published on this page, we have temporarily unpublished it while investigating and resolving the issue. 

The page will be republished as soon as possible. 

We apologise for any inconvenience

The council is required by law to publish detailed information about its spending in some areas including information about payments we make to external providers over £250, details of chief officer pay and income and spending from parking accounts.

We publish a monthly list of council purchases showing who we paid, how much we paid, and what for.

The information excludes personal data protected by the Data Protection Act 1998 from which any person can be identified:

  • on its own (for example, payments to named individuals), or
  • in combination with information already held about that person (eg. disclosure of a home address may identify a person)