Last updated: 4 March 2024

Next review: 4 March 2025

Market Quality

The information below focuses on the quality of Waltham Forest provisions based upon the CQC rating. As of November 2023, 78% of the providers within Waltham Forest, are either rated good or outstanding. 

Waltham Forest Market CQC Rating Overall, 78% rated good or outstanding 
Good Outstanding 
Older People Residential Care (Older People) 100% 0% 
Learning Disability Residential 100% 0% 
Mental Health Residential Care 85% 7% 
Home Care 47% 2% 
Extra Care Housing 100% 0% 
Reablement Services 50% 8% 
Supported Living 44% 6% 

CQC does not regulate Direct Payments, Day Opportunities or Equipment Services or Supported living (they monitor the personal care element only) 

Based on current residential capacity, the occupancy across the Waltham Forest market as of November 2023 is: 

 Older People Learning Disabilities Mental Health 
Total Number of Beds 631 86 123 
Occupancy % 94% 88% 97% 
Vacancies % 6% 12% 3%