Making our streets safer for residents

Image of safe street officers with a police officer in Chingford Mount
Published: 6 March 2023
Filed under: Crime and community safety

Today, our Safe Streets teams have been out in Chingford Mount and South Leytonstone for a day of action, talking to residents about the issues that concern them most and taking action to sort these problems out. 

With 40% of Waltham Forest residents citing fear of crime and violence as a top concern, the Safe Streets pilot programme aims to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour, support victims and empower residents to get the most out of their neighbourhoods.

Our teams will be working in partnership with police over the next few months, carrying out work that includes: 

  • Door-to-door and on-street engagement with residents 
  • Promotion of how to quickly report crime and anti-social behaviour 
  • High visibility patrols with police officers
  • Violence reduction outreach sessions 
  • Pop-up police stations
  • Street cleansing including tackling litter, fly-tipping and graffiti 

The pilot programmes in Chingford Mount and South Leytonstone will provide a community safety model to be rolled in all of Waltham Forest’s neighbourhoods in due course.

If you see the Safe Streets teams out and about - do say hello.