At Waltham Forest we want all of our residents to be able to lead healthy and independent lives for as long as possible. 

That’s why we believe in working with each resident, learning what matters to you, and building on your strengths. We will always focus on what you can do, not on what you can’t. We also know that everyone is different, and will help you think about how family, friends and the wider community can help to meet your needs. 

In England, who qualifies to receive adult care and support is dependent on national eligibility criteria, which were introduced in April 2015. To decide if an adult resident has eligible care and support needs, the council must complete a care Needs Assessment.

How does a care needs assessment work?

A care needs assessment involves 3 questions: 

  1. Do the adult residents’ social care needs arise from a physical or mental impairment or illness that they have.
  2. As a result of the adult's needs, are they unable to achieve two or more of the outcomes specified in the eligibility criteria regulations.
  3. As a consequence, is there or is there likely to be a significant impact on the their well-being.

If the answer to all three of these questions is "yes”, the regulations then set out a range of outcomes to achieve. These include:

  • Does the person have access to food and drink, are they able to prepare and eat food and drink)
  • Can the person wash themselves and launder clothes
  • Is the person able to use the toilet independently
  • Can the person dress themselves and be dressed appropriately for the weather
  • Is the person at risk of falls at home
  • Is the home sufficiently clean and maintained to be safe, and is there access to amenities such as water, gas and electricity
  • Is the person lonely or isolated
  • Does the person need help to access work, education, training or volunteering opportunities
  • Does the person need help to access work, education, training or volunteering opportunities
  • Does the person need help in their parenting/caring roles due to a disability or impairment)

What happens after a care needs assessment

After you have had your assessment, the council will always write to you to notify you of the outcome. 

If your assessment concludes that you do not have eligible care and support needs, we will also tell you why, and include information about how to complain if you or your representative believe the decision is wrong.

If you do have eligible care and support needs, we will work with you to create a Care and Support Plan. More information on Care and Support Plans

Remember, Adult Social Care is means-tested service. This means that if you qualify to receive support from us, we must then undertake a financial assessment to see if you need to contribute towards the cost of your care. Please visit paying for your care and support for more detailed information.