This page will be updated with new information and statements as they are received.
Update: Thursday 8 August, 9am
Cllr Clyde Loakes MBE, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Climate and Air Quality, provides a statement following last night:
“Thousands of residents attended a peaceful anti-racism protest last night, showing the true spirit of Waltham Forest.
“We are relieved those that threatened to bring trouble to our borough did not come to a place where they are not welcome, and that the evening passed without any violence or disorder.
“I’d like to commend the efforts of the Metropolitan Police, partners, and Council officers for their work to keep our borough safe. Our teams are out this morning to make sure the area is open for business as usual. We and the Police will continue to reach out to support faith organisations and the wider community over the coming days.
“Waltham Forest is a place where people of different beliefs and backgrounds live and work together in harmony and peace. We are proud to be part of such a brilliant, welcoming borough, and we will continue to stand in unity against racism and division – we are stronger than those seeking to divide us.”
Update: Wednesday 7 August, 7.45pm
The police have extended the closure of Hoe Street, Walthamstow, between Station Approach and Church Hill: please avoid the area as disruption is likely.
Update: Wednesday 7 August, 6pm
Transport for London said:
"In anticipation of possible demonstrations taking place this evening, Walthamstow bus station will be closing at 18:00 tonight. While some buses may be delayed, diverted or stop short of their normal destination this will help us maintain as good a service across as many routes as we can. We will keep this situation under review and re-open the bus station as soon as we are able to."
Update: Wednesday 7 August, 4pm
The Metropolitan Police said:
We're aware of the potential for a gathering at Hoe Street, E17 this evening Wednesday 7 August 2024, which may cause disruption to the public.
We've been in regular contact with our partners and stakeholders, including faith leaders and our policing plans are in place and we'll use all the powers available to us to keep our communities safe.
A Section 35 dispersal zone has also been authorised from 1400hrs today for an area of Walthamstow. Dispersal Zone : East to West - Wood Ford New Road to Walthamstow Marshes. North to South - Forest Road Junction with A406 to A12 (see map) This will give officers powers to move on groups or individuals causing - or who are likely to cause - harassment, alarm or distress to others.
This power will be in place from Wednesday 7th August 2024, where officers and PCSO's can use this power to order a person to leave the area for a period of up to 48 hours. Anyone told by an officer or PCSO to disperse who fails to do so is liable to arrest.
Safer Neighbourhoods Superintendent Lora John said: "We will not tolerate any form of disorder or criminal behaviour in Walthamstow and there will be a policing presence in the area this evening, both as a precaution and for reassurance”
Update: Wednesday 7 August, 3.30pm
Cllr Clyde Loakes, Deputy Leader of Waltham Forest Council, said: “I know as we move towards this evening that many in Walthamstow and across Waltham Forest will be both fearful and angry at what might unfold on the streets we are proud to call home. The council’s message is clear: anyone who is thinking of coming to Walthamstow town centre today or anytime to incite or undertake any sort of violence, racism, or hatred is not welcome here.
“There is absolutely no justification whatsoever for the shameful actions we have seen elsewhere across the country. They will not be tolerated in our borough. This is a place where people of different beliefs and backgrounds live, work, and play together in harmony and peace, and we are proud to be part of such a brilliant, welcoming community. Whatever comes to pass this evening, we will remain united and together.
"We know that the Waltham Forest community is deeply concerned about the possible events this evening. We want to assure everyone that our top priority is always to keep local people and their neighbourhoods safe. With that in mind we advise all residents to avoid the area in and around Walthamstow Central Station, including Selborne Road and Hoe Street from Queens Road to Church Hill. In the event of any violence or disorder, this will make it easier for the police to take swift and immediate action against those who have caused harm or damage to our community.
“We are well prepared for any potential disorder. We have been working throughout the week with the Metropolitan Police, London Fire Brigade, TfL and other community partners to make sure that local people, businesses, and faith centres are protected and supported. We are grateful for the support we had from so many faith, community, and voluntary sector leaders who have helped to communicate with and reassure local people. There will be extra police presence today and throughout the evening, and additional CCTV cameras are already in place. We’ve taken precautionary measures to secure the immediate area and make sure any building sites are safe.
“Please stay safe and let’s stay true to our values. Fellowship is life.”
How to report and get support:
- If you are the victim of or witness to a hate crime, please report it as soon as you can. This will help authorities take steps to prevent it happening to others.
You can make a report to Stop Hate UK 24 hours a day, seven days a week:- Call Stop Hate UK free on 0800 138 1625
- Text ‘Stop Hate UK’ to 07717 989 025
- Relay for those with a hearing impairment: 18001 0800 138 1625
- Report in BSL using InterpreterNow (username: stophate and password: stophate)
- If you or anyone else is in immediate danger, please call 999 straight away.
- If you've been affected by a crime, either as a victim, witness, or family/friend, get in touch with Victim Support for free independent and confidential advice (on victim or 0808 1689 111)
- If you or someone you knows has been affected by violence against women or girls, you can get free, confidential support and advice at or by emailing
- If you feel your mental health has been impacted by criminal and/or violent acts, helps is available. Our Mental Health webpage contains information around what professional support is available, ways to help yourself in the moment, and ways to cope with world news and global incidents: