Last updated: 17 January 2024

Next review: 17 January 2025

Building Safety

Building Safety Residents Group

They meet two to three times a year to discuss building safety across Waltham Forest Council’s housing stock. You will have the opportunity to network with other representatives from across the borough, to influence our building safety approach and future policies and challenge and scrutinise performance. You will have access to learning and development opportunities such as accredited training.

Building Safety Champions

We need volunteers to support us in keeping you and buildings safe. We are recruiting Building Safety Champions to work together with Waltham Forest Building Safety Team to discuss the safety improvement works in your block or estate. It’s a vital role in keeping you and your neighbours safe.  You will report any issues or concern to us, raise awareness of resident responsibilities and support local building safety engagement initiatives. You will be provided with learning and development opportunities such as accredited training to support you in this role.

Become a Building Safety volunteer

Building safety is something residents and Waltham Forest Building Safety Team do together. 

If you have any questions get in touch by emailing the Engagement Team at