UK’s first sustainable denim wash facility launches in Blackhorse Lane

Image of Han and Cllr Ashworth at event.
Published: 25 April 2023
Filed under: Business support

Blackhorse Lane Ateliers launched their state-of-the-art Denim Wash Lab and Innovation Hub on Thursday 20 April in Blackhorse Lane. Blackhorse Lane Ateliers make and sell ready-to-wear and custom fit organic raw denim jeans, with a focus on sustainability, community, and quality.

They were able to pay for the machines thanks to the Productive Valley Fund (PVF), a £2.7 million flexible loan fund to support industry-led growth and celebrate local production and enterprise in the Upper Lee Valley. The PVF is a joint initiative between Waltham Forest Council, Enfield Council, Haringey Council, and the Mayor of London.

“The PVF allowed us to connect to those Councils. That is very important, because through that we feel we collaborate. Through that connection, the communication channels are open, and we can make positive changes,” said Han, the founder of Blackhorse Lane Ateliers.

The new facility means they save time and money and run more sustainably now as they don’t have to ship their denim to Italy or Japan to be washed.  

“Here we created the UK’s first research and development facility around garment washing. Usually, this technology is found elsewhere. Through this we are going to be a spearhead when it comes to garment washing trends around the world,” says Han.

Blackhorse Lane Ateliers is also a member of the Creative Enterprise Zone Blackhorse Collective. Thanks to the Denim Wash Lab facility, the business will be creating 16 new jobs including apprenticeships, internships, and hosting researchers, with a focus on recruiting local staff. The Laser and Washing Machines has attracted interest from students from the London College of Fashion and University Arts London for research and workshops.

If your business has plans to expand, is an exemplar of modern production, and is committed to providing good quality local jobs, then the Productive Valley Fund could be perfect for you.