Let's Talk: How would you improve your neighbourhood?

Let's Talk artwork
Published: 31 May 2023
Filed under: Communications

We are inviting residents to share how they would improve their local area. 

‘Let’s Talk, Waltham Forest’ is a neighbourhood improvement programme which asks residents to suggest practical improvements that would make their neighbourhood a better place to live. 

This could include physical improvements, improving a community space or adding more planting to your favourite green space. Alternatively, this could be about investing in infrastructure by building more cycle lanes or creating a parklet for the community. 

Cllr Kizzy Gardiner, Commissioner for Youth Hubs and Engagement at Waltham Forest Council, said, “If we want to make the best improvements to our neighbourhoods, we need to listen to our residents. We want all residents to have a voice – to tell us what needs to be done to make a positive change in their local area. 

“I will be out and about in the borough this summer, listening to as many residents as possible and finding out what is really important to them. And to learn how we can work together to make improvements that will have an immediate and long-lasting impact on each neighbourhood.” 

Residents will also be asked to share what bigger change they would like to see in their area and what impact they anticipate that will have. 

You can submit your thoughts online or visit your local library to fill out a postcard and post it in our branded postboxes. Throughout the summer, engagement teams and ward Councillors will also be present at events and will be there to chat to you about what you’d like to see improved.