How volunteering helped Maria gain her dream job

Image of Maria at Walthamstow Library
Published: 31 May 2023
Filed under: Communications

We’re celebrating Volunteers Week by showcasing some of our amazing former and current volunteers that make Waltham Forest a great place to live. Volunteers Week runs from 1 June to 7 June.

In less than one year, Maria went from a volunteer librarian at Wood Street Library to gaining full-time employment as a senior officer at Walthamstow Library.  

Maria’s volunteering journey in Waltham Forest started in July 2022. At Wood Street Library she gained experience with how a typical library runs, as well as experience directly chatting with and supporting residents.

Maria said, “I have always wanted to work in a library and be surrounded by books as much as I wanted to help people and put a smile on their faces.”

Maria says the confidence and skills she gained from volunteering helped her apply for the paid full-time role with the libraries team. “I loved every day of my volunteering experience as no two days looked the same. Getting to meet different people and learn about their interests and issues is just an amazing opportunity to enrich yourself as a person. I was lucky to have so many supportive and kind colleagues to speak and learn from.”

In August 2022, a month after volunteering, she successfully applied for a role as a business support and customer service officer at North Chingford Library. After seven months in the role, she was promoted to senior business support and customer service officer in February 2023. Maria’s example is just one of many where skills gained from volunteering can lead to meaningful paid employment in the borough.  

She explains, “Volunteering offers so many different benefits such as personal fulfilment, skill development, personal growth, and improved health and wellbeing.

“Volunteering is an incredible opportunity to make a positive impact on others' lives and your own. It allows you to connect with your community, develop new skills, and gain a sense of fulfilment. Step out of your comfort zone, give it a try, and witness the power of positive change you will make.”

Residents can sign up for Legends of the Forest, our dedicated volunteering platform, to find exciting and meaningful opportunities in the borough. Many opportunities are flexible, and you can find ones that suit your availability.