Chingford Mount and Highams Park win £8.4m of Levelling Up Funds

A colourful aerial drawing of Albert Crescent at Chingford Mount, E4. Figures are walking in the crescent, there are London buses turning round in the road and you can see two child friendly circular structures that people are using to sit and play in.
Published: 17 March 2023
Filed under: Regeneration and Housing

Chingford Mount and Highams Park residents can look forward to improvements after Waltham Forest’s funding bid of £8.4m to the Department of Levelling Up Housing and Communities (DLUHC) was approved on Wednesday 15 March.

The money will go towards projects to improve neighbourhoods, town centres and parks. On top of this, Waltham Forest will provide £1.9m to bring the whole investment package to £10.3m.

The funds will enhance high streets and town centres, encouraging more footfall that will support businesses and boost the local economy.

The projects will help young people have safe, inclusive places to socialise and develop, improve transport options, and green spaces and parks.

Cllr Grace Williams, Leader of the Council, said: “I’m delighted that the council’s bid for £8.4m of Levelling Up funding for Chingford Mount and Higham’s Park has been successful, following our earlier awards for Walthamstow and Leyton in partnership with TfL. It shows the confidence that the government has in our record of delivering projects across the borough and bringing our residents the improvements they want to see in their neighbourhoods.

“The success builds upon years of engagement with local people to create the Chingford Mount Area Framework. I’d like to thank Sir Iain Duncan Smith MP for his letter of support for our bid and the work we are doing in the area. We are all committed to putting residents at the heart of everything we do through our new neighbourhood-focused approach.

"We are the only London council to have received money in yesterday’s announcement. It demonstrates the strength and clarity of the bids we have submitted and the delivery plans outlining how we will use this money to help our residents."

“The Council is committed to building communities where everyone has their say in the decisions that affect them and their families, where everyone has the opportunity to reach their full potential, and where prosperity is shared between all.”

Here's what you can expect to see over the next three years:

  • Work to make Memorial Park more appealing with a new community café, public toilets and a large climbing net. The four tennis courts will be resurfaced and new nets installed.
  • New play areas in Chase Lane Park with a new skate park, a scooter play area and an outdoor gym.
  • Better surfaces, covers and flood lights to improve the tennis courts at Rolls Park.
  • More greenery and public art at Chingford Mount to make the area safer and more inclusive for everyone.
  • High street improvements to Highams Park and new retail spaces for start-ups. There will also be a new raised crossing that will make it easier to access the area from the nearby Aldriche Estate.

The improvements will reflect the things that local people have told the Council they want to see through years of engagement to create the Chingford Mount Area Framework.

The £8.4m award is the third that Waltham Forest has received from DLUHC’s Levelling Up Fund.

The improvements to Chingford Mount and Highams Park will take place over the next three years, with work expected to conclude in 2025.

Read more about the Levelling Up Fund in Waltham Forest.