Brand new cycle hubs supporting local commuters

Cycle Hub opening at Highams Park
Published: 18 May 2023
Filed under: Climate change

Brand new cycle hubs supporting local commuters

Commuters in Waltham Forest will have even more opportunities to use their bikes as a part of their local commute following the opening of another 4 cycle hubs stations by the Council, in partnership with Transport for London (TfL).

The hubs, located at Highams Park, Blackhorse Road and Chingford, take the total number operating in the borough to 11, offering around 800 spaces for cycle storage.

They offer a straightforward, safe and cost-effective option for your bike at your nearest train station for the day, meaning that it has never been easier to ditch shorter car journeys in favour of healthier and less stressful transport options. The new hubs even have air pumps and tools on site in case you need to make repairs on the go.

Cllr Clyde Loakes, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Climate visited Highams Park Station last week (12 May) to officially open the new cycle hub to local people.

He said: “It is brilliant to see yet another new cycle hub open and available for local cyclists and commuters.

“It is one of four we are opening in the coming weeks not just here, but in Chingford and two at Blackhorse Road too, meaning we will soon have 11 hubs across the borough with almost 800 spaces for local cyclists to safely store their bikes.

“Here at Highams Park for example there are bike 26 spaces in a secure, waterproof area and it means that you can store your bike as part of your commute with absolutely no need to make the journey to the station in the car.

“We want to make it as easy as possible for residents to choose active travel this summer. So, if you want to give it a go, use our new cycle hubs. Membership for the whole year is less than filling up your petrol tank even once.

“Cycling and walking is healthier for you physically and mentally – not mention far, far better for the environment. Let’s reduce harmful emissions and make our neighbourhoods safer and cleaner places for everyone to enjoy.”

Find out more about cycling, walking, and other active travel options.

Want to get the best out of your bike this summer? Tour de Waltham Forest is returning on Sunday 11 June and we want this year to be bigger and better than ever.

The popular cycling celebration is open to everyone – whether you are a regular or complete beginner; whether you ride a road bike, cargo, or trike.

There are four different routes ranging from 7km to 25km, covering all abilities, all starting in Leyton Jubilee Park and there will be bikes to rent on the day so you can get involved even if you don’t already own one.

Book your place for free online.