We offer three different advice services for major proposals:

  • concept meeting
  • pre-application advice
  • Planning Performance Agreement (PPA) service (this can be added as part of the pre-application advice service, if required)

Concept meeting

We recommend a concept meeting before your plans are drawn up, to discuss the principle of development on site. This lasts one hour.

After, we’ll email you a written response within 15 working days unless agreed otherwise. 

Please note, a concept meeting will focus on the key strategic and planning policy matters. It will not consider other plans regarding layouts and building heights. If you need further detailed assessment, please request a pre-application meeting for a major proposal.

The cost is £871 (including VAT)

Request a concept meeting

  1. Download and complete the Pre-application form: concept meeting (PDF)
  2. Pay, via the form below, noting your payment reference number 
  3. Email it to planningvalidation@walthamforest.gov.uk, including your payment reference number
  4. We’ll then confirm receipt and let you know how to proceed

Pre-application advice

This service is a pre-arranged meeting with a planning officer and other specialised officers (like design, conservation, transport, housing, sustainability) if required. It takes one to two hours.  

Within 21 working days, a planning officer will give you a formal written response. It will advise:

  • what level of development is acceptable on site
  • which policies to consider as part of the development to progress pre-application discussions
  • whether or not your proposal is likely to be acceptable at application stage
  • what you need to do to make your application acceptable
  • how we’ll apply our policies to your proposal
  • what type of local engagement to use
  • which kind of application to submit, and what supporting documentation you should supply with it

General guidance on meetings with us

To get the most from your meeting:

  • please bring no more than three other people with you and give us their name(s) and job title(s) before the meeting
  • bring hard copies of all the information submitted

Please note, our officers can only comment on the plans provided before the meeting. There won’t be an opportunity to review drawings or other changes to your scheme at the meeting.

What the service costs

The cost will depend on the scale of your proposals:

  • Major proposal (single meeting): £4,726 - £12,297 (including VAT) 
  • GLA Strategic Major: £19,008 (including VAT) 

*Units include HMO, co-living and student accommodation

Please see our charging schedule (PDF) for details

Request pre-application advice for a major proposal

  1. Download and complete the request form Pre-application form: major proposals
  2. Pay, via online form below, noting your payment reference number 
  3. Email it to planningvalidation@walthamforest.gov.uk, including your payment reference number
  4. We’ll then confirm receipt and let you know how to proceed

If you’re unsure how much to pay, complete the request form, and ask for payment guidance in the email.

Planning Performance Agreement (PPA)

If your proposal is complex, it might be an idea to enter into a planning performance agreement (PPA) with us.

We receive various major development schemes that are often complex, due to issues like design, height, and density. This is particularly if the proposal is in, or near, an area of special character. There are often hard discussions around the viability of such schemes.

A PPA sets out a timetable for progressing a major planning application.

To ensure that the proposals are of the highest quality, we’ll work with you right from the start to final planning decisions.

We’ll set a clear timetable of meetings between specialist officers and consultants to help overcome any issues with the planning process. This can help to speed things up and minimise risks.

Please note, a PPA doesn't prejudice the outcome of a planning application or guarantee planning permission.

If we think this service might benefit you, we will mention it during your pre-application meeting.

What the service costs

This is a bespoke service. As such, the cost will depend on the complexity of the PPA and the number of meetings required. We’ll discuss this with you before you sign up to the agreement.