Last updated: 25 August 2023

Next review: 25 August 2024

Mandate Fraud

Verify: If you receive a request to move money into a new bank account, contact the supplier directly using established contact details, to verify and corroborate the payment request.

Internal processes: Establish robust internal processes for handling changes to payment details. For example, only designated employees should be able to make changes to payment arrangements.

Sensitive information: Invoices, payment mandates, and other documents containing sensitive financial information should be stored securely and only be accessible to those staff that need them to perform their duties. Sensitive documents should be shredded before they are disposed of.

If you have made a payment: Inform your bank as soon as possible, they can help you prevent any further losses. Monitor your bank statements regularly for any unusual activity.

Detailed counter fraud advice is available online, including from Scamsmart, ActionFraud, CIFAS, Take Five to Stop Fraud, Citizens Advice, Trading Standards and the National Cyber Security Centre.

Reporting to Action Fraud can be done online using the Action Fraud Website or by calling  0300 123 2040

To report offers of financial assistance from HMRC contact by email.

National Cyber Security Centre Launches 'Cyber Aware' campaign

Read more about the 'Cyber Aware' campaign on the National Cyber Security Website.


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