Last updated: 8 November 2023

Next review: 8 November 2024

Temporary accommodation

We use this term to mean housing arranged by a council, because they have decided the tenant is homeless.

Specified accommodation

There are four categories of specified accommodation:

  • Category 1: Accommodation where the organisation providing the accommodation provides the person being housed with care, support or supervision. It can be provided by: a county council, housing association, registered charity or a voluntary organisation.
  • Category 2: Accommodation where the person housed is put there to meet an identifiable need for care, support or supervision.  It can be provided by: a county council, housing association, registered charity or a voluntary organisation.
  • Category 3: This is an accommodation for victims of domestic violence. Accommodation can be provided by: local authorities, as well a county councils, housing associations, registered charities or voluntary organisations.
  • Category 4: This is hostel accommodation that provides care and support. It also provides supervision for people at Pension Credit age.