Last updated: 26 September 2023

Next review: 26 September 2024

Local Welfare Assistance (LWA)

This is a scheme for low income households who are unable to access credit and are facing sudden unexpected costs, emergencies or problems.

Find out more about the Local Welfare Assistance.

Discretionary Housing Payments

If you need more help with your housing costs, you can apply for extra help with your rent if you have already got Housing Benefit or Universal Credit (including a Housing Costs Element).

To find out more see Discretionary Housing Payments.

Discretionary Reduction of Council Tax

This is a local assistance scheme for people who are facing genuine problems in paying their Council Tax. It is usually paid as an increase to an award of Council Tax Support (CTS), although it may also be given to people who do not qualify for CTS.

To find out more see Discretionary Reduction of Council Tax.

Other help

Debt often comes with other problems. Citizens Advice Waltham Forest provides free advice for residents of the borough.