How to safely dispose of waste from your business

If you run a business, you have a legal duty to take care of your waste through recycling, treatment or disposal.

Every business is responsible for making suitable arrangements for their commercial waste to be disposed of legally and in line with Regulations.

Business Rates do not cover the cost of waste collection from business premises, and Waltham Forest Council will not remove commercial waste.

Disposing of your own waste

Businesses can pay to dispose of their own waste by transferring it to a commercial waste recycling centre. Once accepted, they will be provided with a Waste Transfer Notes (receipt) for the waste. Waste Transfer Notes must be kept for a 2-year period.

Businesses should also be aware that to transport waste, a Waste Carriers License is required, and it is an offence to carry waste without a license.

Check the company through the Environment Agency's waste carrier's public register.

Waste removal organisations

Businesses can enter into a contract with a registered waste removal organisation to collect their commercial waste. Contracts can cover various sized refuse and recycling bins or bag collections and can be as frequent as the business requires. Businesses must comply with the below points as part of the contract.

Arranging a collection

When arranging a trade waste collection, you must ensure that your waste is only presented for collection on:

  • Monday: 6 am to 9 am
  • Wednesday: 6 am to 9 am
  • Friday: 6 am to 9 am

Businesses are also required to comply with the following aspects of commercial waste presentation and storage:

  • Commercial waste must fit within the branded bin or refuse sack provided by your licensed collection organisation.
  • Your bin/container must not overflow; rubbish must not overhang, and be stacked on top of or beside the bin/container.
  • Your presented waste should not cause a problem, obstruction, or be harmful to the local facilities.
  • The bin/container should not be placed or stored on the Public Highway other than the time(s) specified or agreed by the local authority.
  • If your waste collector fails to collect the waste, it is your responsibility to remove it. You can remove the bags or push the bin back onto your property, from the Highway until the waste can be collected

Failure to comply with the above may result in a Fixed Penalty Notice being issued, or Court proceedings being taken against you.

Trade waste disposal companies

Registered trade waste disposal companies that provide a collection service in Waltham Forest:


  • 020 7001 6000


  • 0800 307 307


  • 0845 60 60 460


  • 0870 421 1122


  • Enterprise do not provide a recycling service
  • 0845 226 5101

The First Mile

  • 0800 612 9894

UK Waste Consultancy LTD 

  • 0800 634 4815

Duty of care waste transfer notice

Waltham Forest Council are empowered under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 to request businesses provide evidence on how their commercial waste is disposed of. Businesses should be able to supply this when required, and it is recommended that contracts or Waste Transfer Notes are kept on the premises.

Should a business not be able to produce this when requested, a Notice may be served to supply the required documents within 7 days. Should a valid contract or Waste Transfer Notes not be held, or the documents not be provided in accordance with the Notice, a £300 Fixed Penalty Notice may be issued or a maximum £5000 fine if convicted at court.

The Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2011 (